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Is mmtlp stock a good investment?

MMTLP stock isn't exactly popular with institutional investors, with only two reporting a combined position of 2,250 shares as of Q3. Shareholders of MMTLP will soon have their shares exchanged for shares of Next Bridge, which will not be publicly tradable.

What does mmtlp stand for?

2 “MMTLP” was the over-the-counter (OTC) equity symbol assigned by FINRA to the Series A Preferred Shares of Meta Materials, Inc. (Meta Materials), which were issued in connection with the June 2021 merger between Torchlight Energy Resources and Metamaterial Inc.

Is mmtlp a meme?

As a stock, however, MMTLP offers only heartache: after the nongovernmental Financial Industry Regulatory Authority halted MMTLP trading in December, tens of thousands of investors are discovering they may be stuck with little more than a meme.

Did FINRA stop trading mmtlp stock?

Months after the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) halted trading of MMTLP stock, the former preferred shares of Meta Materials (NASDAQ: MMAT ), Gary Gensler has finally addressed the matter.

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